//EASY TABS change by shuke
//Set the id names of your tablinks (without a number at the end)自定义选项卡名子。
var tablink_idname = new Array("tablink","anotherlink", "linkthree","shuke")
//Set the id names of your tabcontentareas (without a number at the end)自定义选项卡内容名字。
var tabcontent_idname = new Array("tabcontent","anothercontent", "contentthree","shukecontent")
//Set the number of your tabs in each menu 选项卡个数
var tabcount = new Array("4","6","3","8")
//Set the Tabs wich should load at start (In this Example:Menu 1 -> Tab 2 visible on load, Menu 2 -> Tab 5 visible on load , Menu 3 -> Tab 1 visible on load)选项卡初始化在哪一个卡。
var loadtabs = new Array("2","5","1","1")